

The Foundation is an Oregon nonprofit corporation, established in 1962.

The purpose of the Foundation is to provide an endowment which supports programs of First Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon and other ministries of American Baptist Churches-USA.

FIRST BAPTIST Foundation & First Baptist Church

The First Baptist Foundation and First Baptist Church of Portland share common concerns, purposes and constituency, but are separate corporations. The directors of the Foundation must be members of First Baptist Church.

Donations, bequests and other forms of gifts made to the Foundation are managed by the Board of Directors of the Foundation. Those made to First Baptist Church of Portland are administered by the church’s Diaconate Board.

The Board of Directors meets each October to assign the earnings of Foundation investments to organizations that are affiliated with, or supported by, American Baptist Churches USA.

The Foundation gives to the unified budget of First Baptist Church of Portland, plus special church ministries and projects. Those include evangelism, missions, youth activities, Drop-In program, worship enhancement and building improvements.

Donating to the foundation

Donations to First Baptist Foundation are “living gifts,” which last in perpetuity.

Giving to the Foundation can be an opportunity to celebrate a special event in your life, such as a memorial for a loved one, or as a final legacy, to help support the mission and ministries of First Baptist Church of Portland, and the American Baptist Churches USA.

Gifts come to the Foundation in several forms: Cash, annuities, stocks, bonds and other securities, real estate or other tangible assets, life insurance, trusts, bequests from estates, memorial gifts.

The benefits of giving to the Foundation can include: Reduced current income taxes, reduced estate taxes, and the possibility of providing the donor with a continuing lifetime income.

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Other recipients of Foundation gifts:

Camp Arrah Wanna, a regional American Baptist camp in Welches, Oregon near Mount Hood.

Rainbow Acres, an assisted living facility for adults with disabilities, located in Camp Verde, Arizona.

Cambodian Children’s Ministry, a school in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia, serving 450 local children.

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